Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Loose Ends

Finished two books recently:

Joe Coomer´s The Loop. So so.

Saira Shah´s The Storyteller´s Daughter. Miserable, and full of lies.

Doris Lessing´s Winter in July. Wonderful.

Beer reports:

Potosina Pilsener: Watery Bolivian brew.

Huari Pilsener: Not quite as watery, bouyed by a great label.

Arequipena: A notch above the rest.

Cuscuna Stout: Dark, sweet Peruvian treat.

And a wine update:

Undurraga Cabernet-Pinot 2007 Valle Centra. A pleasant surprise. Got a halfbottle for $4 in San Pedro de Atacama.

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